Schmolke Carbon

Neuer Teamfahrer Gustav Gullholm

Wir freuen uns Gustav Gullholm als neues Mitglied in unserer Schmolke Familie Willkommen zu heißen. Seine Projekte passen perfekt mit unserem Motto „the lightest one“ zusammen. Wir sind gespannt auf die nächsten Jahre.

Hier könnt ihr mehr über Gustav Gullholm erfahren.

This is Gustav`s comment:

When you’re crazy enough like me to actually build €13-14k bikes without any sponsors (and unfortunately I “just” work at a sports shop, not as Batman with a mansion), you get used to always running exactly the parts you really want. This makes me equally picky about who to work with and represent, so I’m truly happy about this partnership.
And since I’m all about custom, Schmolke is a perfect fit being one of very few companies that actually make components according to their customers personal preferences.
So my upcoming builds will feature a perfect mix of Syncros and custom made Schmolke components.

I may have to leave the world class racing to the other Schmolke supported riders though, but you can count on me setting the bar for bikes and appearance.


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Ausgenommen: Produkte von Carbonworks, DT Swiss und ExtraLite
